Languages : malay | english

  • 173


Regional Symposium on Tropical Wood Products Education:

Trends and Challenges (TWPE-2018)

October 24-25th, 2018

Auditorium Rasdan Baba, UPM Serdang, Malaysia



Oral presentation


Poster presentation

Technical Sessions


  1. 1. Trends and Challenges in Wood Products Education


2. Innovation/Best Practices on Wood Products Education


3. Current Technology Applied on Wood Industries – Industry 4.0 in Wood Products Education


4. Forest Education for Our Future/Next Generation


5. Human Capital Qualification/Requirement for Current Wood Industry


* Please select your type of presentation and technical session by inserting (x) in necessary box

Title of The Abstract


< 16-point of Cambria, bold, centered and Capitalised Each Word>




10-point of Cambria, italic and align center. Differentiate each different address using superscript a,b,c and so on>




 The file must be saved using the presenter’s name (e.g. Seca Gandaseca.doc).> 


  Keywords: (3-5 keywords only)



Latest Update : Thu, 25 Jan 2018 (rusliaziz)